Tuesday 24 July 2012

Intro to Marie Antoinette

Alright, where to start. Well, how about the obvious. This is a blog, about Marie Antoinette  the last queen of France. If you want to know about Marie Antoinette, this is your place. I consider myself "a Marie Antoinette fanatic". Everything about her from her birth, on November 2nd 1755 to her death October 16th 1793 amazes me. So, on my first post I think for those unfamiliar with the world of Marie Antoinette, I will give a brief outline of her life. She was born an Austrian princess and the youngest of Maria Theresa's eight daughters. She married Louis-Auguste, the dauphin (heir to the throne) of France at fifteen and became the dauphine. Then at nineteen, she became the queen of France (1774). At 23 she had her first child, Marie-Therese Charlotte, then at 26, she had Louis-Joseph who became dauphin but sadly died in childhood. After that, at 30 she had Louis-Charles, then at 31 Sophie-Beatrice who died at 11 months old. She became more and more unpopular after nasty (and never proven) rumors spread around, about her, and the fall of the monarchy was officially declared in 1992. In January 1993, her husband was executed using a guillotine (a French machine used for cutting heads off, considered a more humane way of execution). Then on the 16th of October in the same year, she was guillotined.