Thursday 1 November 2012

The Trial and Execution of Marie Antoinette

On the 16th October 1793, Marie Antoinette was executed. You might ask why I started at the end, the answer is that it was recently, it was the 16th October and I planned on posting this on the 16th, but due to school, holiday and general business, I was unable to finish it before that day. Anyway, back to the post. Antoinette's trial began on the 14th of October 1793, she was accused of sending millions of France's money to Austria (her homeland), plotting the murder of the Duke of Orleans, declaring her son as the King of France, molesting her son and others I'm too disgusted to type. Today, there is no evidence proving any of these charges to be correct and they are all based on rumors and things  implied in pamphlets. When accused of molesting her son, she did not reply, when asked why she did not, she replied "If I have not replied it is because Nature itself refuses to respond to such a charge laid against a mother.". Despite her denying every claim and them having no evidence to condemn her, she was found guilty and sentenced to death. after her trial she went back to her cell and wrote a letter to her sister in law Madame Elisabeth. Elisabeth never received it. Her hair was cut off and she was driven through Paris in a cart. She wore a white dress. She stepped on the scaffold and accidentally stood on the executioners foot. She said to him, (these being her last words) "Pardon me sir, I meant not to do it.". At 12:15, she was executed using the guillotine at what is called today Place de la Concorde. She was buried in an unmarked grave. 

Marie Antoinette's trial
Marie Antoinette's trial

Marie Antoinette's execution

Marie Antoinette on the scaffold 

Thanks for reading, MG


  1. Really bad website, info may be good but need some work on legibility and the shoes is sooooo noooo!!!! Please! :)

  2. Thank you for your opinion but I don't care.
